Thursday, May 27, 2010

Catching Up

Memorial Day weekend is upon us, the start of a new summer dawns.

The past few months have passed by quickly but not uneventfully. In March, Cedar Summit had a bumper crop of calves, and I had a "milk drought" as a result. Since then, I've been making more cheese than ever, as demand and new accounts continue to build (thank you). We were able to purchase a new, gleaming aging room that excites me to the point of occasional concern. And, after more thought than probably necessary, Alemar Cheese has found a farmers market home, to be announced soon. I'll expound on these items and more in the coming weeks--promise.

The website is operational and for those of you outside of our limited retail circle, you can now order our cheese online.

Have a great holiday weekend, and I'll be back soon!

Monday, May 17, 2010


It appears our website, has been offline for a week or so. I'll get it back online soon...and in short order, you'll also be able to buy cheese through the website.

I've been a lazy blogger. Lots of things to post on from the past month-and-a-half, and I'll catch you up in the NEAR future. Thanks, and have a great day.